Wednesday 13 January 2021

Best Fronds Forever DIY Dried Paper Palm Leaf Ruffled

#Leaf | Dried palm leaves are decidedly trending, so we wanted to make the paper version. You can now DIY your paper palm leaves whenever you’re in a pinch for a tropical locale with palm trees. So, you can bet we’re very fond of this DIY. We’re sharing the how-to for two size palm fronds: a small 12? fan palm and the giant version which is close to the real thing.
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Star Wars Easter Basket
#Star Wars | Star Wars Easter Basket- If you have a Jedi (little or big) in your house here are some suggested items for your Star Wars Easter Basket.

Einfacher Marmorkuchen
#Marmorkuchen | So einfach backst du einen lecker-luftigen Marmorkuchen: Nach nur zwei Zubereitungsschritten steht der fertige Kuchen vor dir und schmeckt köstlich!

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